October 2015 - September 2018
The Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction (HA-REACT) addresses existing gaps in the prevention of HIV and other co-infections, especially tuberculosis (TB) and viral hepatitis, among people who inject drugs (PWID). This three-year project was launched in late 2015 with core funding from the European Union (EU), and is being implemented by 23 partners in 18 EU Member States. Twelve collaborating partners are contributing additional expertise, among them the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA).
The Centre for Interdisciplinary Addiction Research is responsible for the evaluation of the HA-REACT project (Work Package 3).
Work Package 3: Evaluation
Set up an evaluation framework to measure and monitor
Outputs & activities
The evaluation framework for the Joint Action will be developed to enable comprehensive and unbiased monitoring and reporting of the Joint Action implementation vis-a-vis agreed process and impact indicators, and planned outputs and expected outcomes. Evaluation reports will be prepared regularly to follow up and measure the progress of the Joint Action.
The WP leads, together with the coordinator, will monitor and ensure that all project deliverables have the EU added value dimension, that they are ready to be replicated and that they are transferable to other EU countries.
Co-Funded by the Health-Programme of the European Union and the German Federal Ministry of Health