May 2012 - April 2015
The EU project BISTAIRS (Brief interventions in the treatment of alcohol use disorders in relevant settings) aims to intensify the implementation of brief interventions (BI) in a range of relevant settings by identifying, systematising and extending good practice of BI across the EU. The project partnership is consisting of 7 partners from 6 EU Member states, pursuing the common goal to increase the impact of evidence-based brief interventions on alcohol related disorders in Europe. Most experience in BI implementation has been gathered in primary health care (PHC) settings in high income countries, the project aims to foster BI implementation in further settings (workplace health services, emergency care and social services) and countries, to contribute to a widespread BI implementation in the EU.
The BISTAIRS project is receiving funding from the European Union in the framework of the EU Health Programme.
For more detailed information please visit the project website
European Union - Health Programme