Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Suchtforschung
der Universität Hamburg

Christiane Sybille Schmidt, Dipl. Psychologist

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Suchtforschung (ZIS) der Universität Hamburg
c/o UKE, Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Martinistr. 52
20246 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 (0) 40 7410 - 57906

eMail: christiane.schmidt@uke.de

seit 2010

wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Suchtforschung, Universität Hamburg


studentische, wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, Arbeitsgruppe für klinische Neuropsychologie, UKE

bis 2010

Studium Psychologie, Universität Hamburg

  • Alkoholbezogene Kurzinterventionen
  • Evaluation psychotherapeutischer Interventionen
  • Wissenschaftliche Methodik
  • Klinische Neuropsychologie

  • O'Donnell A, Anderson P, Schmidt C, Braddick F, Lopez-Pelayo H, Mejía-Trujillo J, Natera G, Arroyo M, Bautista N, Piazza M, Bustamante IV, Kokole D, Jackson K, Jane-Llopis E, Gual A, Schulte B. (2022) Tailoring an evidence-based clinical intervention and training package for the treatment and prevention of comorbid heavy drinking and depression in middle-income country settings: the development of the SCALA toolkit in Latin America. Glob Health Action. 2022 Dec 31;15(1):2080344. doi: 10.1080/16549716.2022.2080344
  • Schulte B, Jacobsen B, Kuban M, Kraus L, Reimer J, Schmidt CS, Schäffer D (2022) Umsetzung von Testung, Diagnostik und Behandlung der Hepatitis C in Einrichtungen der niedrigschwelligen Drogenhilfe in Deutschland – eine Querschnittsbefragung. Suchttherapie, eFirst; DOI: 10.1055/a-1824-7646
  • O'Donnell A, Schmidt CS, Beyer F, Schrietter M, Anderson P, Jane-Llopis E, Kaner E, Schulte B (2022) Effectiveness of digital interventions for people with comorbid heavy drinking and depression: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. J Affect Disord; 298:10-23. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.11.039
  • Kilian C, O'Donnell A, Potapova N, López-Pelayo H, Schulte B, Miquel L, Paniello Castillo B, Schmidt CS, Gual A, Rehm J, Manthey J (2022) Changes in alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: A meta-analysis of observational studies. Drug Alcohol Rev; 41:918-931. doi: 10.1111/dar.13446
  • O'Donnell A, Schulte B, Manthey J, Schmidt CS, Piazza M, Chavez IB, Natera G, Aguilar NB, Hernández GYS, Mejía-Trujillo J, Pérez-Gómez A, Gual A, de Vries H, Solovei A, Kokole D, Kaner E, Kilian C, Rehm J, Anderson P, Jané-Llopis E (2021) Primary care-based screening and management of depression amongst heavy drinking patients: Interim secondary outcomes of a three-country quasi-experimental study in Latin America. PLoS One, 5;16. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255594
  • Kokole D, Jané-Llopis E, Mercken L, Piazza M, Bustamante I, Natera Rey G, Medina P, Pérez-Gómez A, Mejía-Trujillo J, O'Donnell A, Kaner E, Gual A, Schmidt CS, Schulte B, Candel MJJM, de Vries H, Anderson P (2021) Factors associated with primary health care providers' alcohol screening behavior in Colombia, Mexico and Peru. Subst Abus; 13:1-9. doi: 10.1080/08897077.2021.1903658
  • Kalke J, Schmidt CS, Hayer T (2021) Sportwetten: Expertise oder Glück? Ein systematischer Review über Tippstudien. Suchttherapie; 22: 27-36
  • Anderson P, Manthey J, Llopis EJ, Rey GN, Bustamante IV, Piazza M, Aguilar PSM, Mejía-Trujillo J, Pérez-Gómez A, Rowlands G, Lopez-Pelayo H, Mercken L, Kokole D, O'Donnell A, Solovei A, Kaner E, Schulte B, de Vries H, Schmidt C, Gual A, Rehm J. (2021) Impact of Training and Municipal Support on Primary Health Care-Based Measurement of Alcohol Consumption in Three Latin American Countries: 5-Month Outcome Results of the Quasi-experimental Randomized SCALA Trial. J Gen Intern. doi: 10.1007/s11606-020-06503-9
  • Schulte B, Lehmann K, Schmidt CS, Rühling E, Weber B, Schäfer I, Reimer J, Verthein U (2020) Addiction recovery among opioid-dependent patients treated with injectable subcutaneous depot buprenorphine: Study protocol of a non-randomized prospective observational study (ARIDE). Frontiers in Psychiatry. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2020.580863
  • Schulte B, Schmidt CS, Manthey J, Strada L, Christensen S, Cimander K, Görne H, Khaykin P, Scherbaum N, Walcher S, Mauss S, Schäfer I, Verthein U, Rehm J,  Reimer J (2020) Clinical and Patient-Reported Outcomes of Direct-Acting Antivirals for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Among Patients on Opioid Agonist Treatment: A Real-world Prospective Cohort Study. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, https://doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofaa317
  • Jané-Llopis E, Anderson P, Piazza M, O'Donnell A, Gual A, Schulte B, Pérez Gómez A, de Vries H,  Natera Rey G, Kokole D, Bustamante I, Braddick F, Mejía Trujillo J, Solovei A, Pérez De León A, Kaner E, Matrai S, Manthey J, Mercken L, López-Pelayo H, Rowlands G, Schmidt C, Rehm J (2020) Implementing primary healthcare-based measurement, advice and treatment for heavy drinking and comorbid depression at the municipal level in three Latin American countries: final protocol for a quasiexperimental study (SCALA study). BMJ Open, http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038226
  • Schulte B, Schmidt CS, Strada L, Rosenkranz M, Schäfer I, Verthein U, ReimerJ (2020) Hepatitis C Virus Prevalence and Incidence in a Large Nationwide Sample of Patients in Opioid Substitution Treatment in Germany: A Prospective Cohort Study. Clin Infect Dis 6;70:2199-2205. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciz661
  • Reiß M, Schulte B, Schmidt CS, Carstens A, Görne H, Kreibich R, Tietje W, Weber B, Schnell T, Verthein U (2020) Selbst- und Fremdbeurteilung von Depressivität bei opioidabhängigen Patienten in Substitutionsbehandlung. Suchttherapie, 21: 25-31. DOI: 10.1055/a-1032-6735
  • Strada L, Schmidt CS, Rosenkranz M, Verthein U, Scherbaum N, Reimer J, Schulte B (2019) Factors associated with health-related quality of life in a large national sample of patients receiving opioid substitution treatment in Germany: A cross-sectional study. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy; 14:2
  • Schulte B, Kaner EFS, Beyer F, Schmidt CS, O'Donnell A (2019) Study protocol for asystematic review of evidence for digital interventions for comorbid excessivedrinking and depression in community-dwelling populations. BMJ Open; 17;9:e031503. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031503
  • Schmidt CS, Schulte B, Seo HN, Kuhn S, O Donnell A, Kriston L, Verthein U, Reimer J. (2016) Meta-analysis on the effectiveness of alcohol screening with brief interventions for patients in emergency care settings. Addiction. 2015 Dec 5. doi: 10.1111/add.13263
  • Schulte B, Schmidt CS, Strada L, Götzke C, Hiller P, Fischer B, Reimer J (2016) Non-prescribed use of opioid substitution medication: Patterns and trends in sub-populations of opioid users. Int J Drug Pol doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2015.12.024
  • Strada L, Schulte B, Schmidt CS, Verthein U, Cremer-Schaeffer P, Kru?ckeberg S, Reimer J (2015) Epidemiology of hepatitis C virus infection among people receiving opioid substitution therapy (ECHO): Study protocol. BMC Infectious Diseases (2015) 15:563 DOI 10.1186/s12879-015-1307-z
  • O’Donnell A, Anderson P, Newbury-Birch D, Schulte B, Schmidt C, Reimer J, Kaner E. The impact of brief alcohol interventions in primary healthcare: a systematic review of reviews. Alcohol Alcoholism 2014; 49: 66-78.
  • Schmidt CS, McGovern R, Schulte B, O'Donnell A, Lehmann K, Kuhn S, Schäfer I, Newbury-Birch D, Anderson P, Kaner E, Reimer J. Brief Alcohol Interventions in Social Service and Criminal Justice Settings: A Critical Commentary. Br J Soc Work 2014 doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcu100
  • Schulte B, O`Donnell A, Kastner S, Schmidt CS, Schäfer I, Reimer J. Alcohol screening and brief intervention in workplace settings and social services: A comparison of literature. Front. Psychiatry 2014 doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00131
  • Schmidt CS, Schön D, Schulte B, Lüth S, Polywka S, Reimer J. Viral hepatitis in alcohol-dependent inpatients – Prevalence, risk factors and treatment uptake. Journal of Addiction Medicine 2013; 7:417-21. doi: 10.1097/ADM.0b013e3182a50817
  • Reimer J, Schmidt CS, Schulte B, Gansefort D, Gölz J, Gerken G, Scherbaum N, Verthein U, Backmund M. Psychoeducation improves hepatitis C virus treatment during opioid substitution therapy: a controlled, prospective multicenter trial. Clin Infect Dis. 2013 Aug;57 Suppl 2:S97-104. doi: 10.1093/cid/cit307.
  • Schulte B, Schmidt CS, Schäfer I, Fischer B, Wedemeyer H, ReimerJ. Structural barriers in the context of opiate substitution treatment in Germany. Substance Abuse, Treatment, Prevention & Policy 2013; 8:26
  • Reimer J, Schmidt CS, Schulte B, Gansefort D, Gölz J, Gerken G, Scherbaum N, Verthein U, Backmund M.  Psychoeducation improves hepatitis C virus therapy outcomes in opioid-substituted patients: A controlled, prospective multicentre trial. Clinical infectious diseases 2013; 57 Suppl 2: 97-S104.
  • O’Donnell A, Kaner E, Newbury-Birch D, Schulte B, Schmidt C, Reimer J, Anderson P. Efficacious, effective but still erratic: what will it take to get routine delivery of brief interventions for alcohol in primary healthcare settings? Alcohol & Alcoholism 2013; 49 doi:10.1093/alcalc/agt170
  • Reimer J, Meier J, Schmidt C. Illegale Drogen: Crystal Meth. In: Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch Sucht 2013. S. 111 – 118
  • Schmidt CS, Schulte B, Wickert C, Thane K, Kuhn S, Verthein U, Reimer J. Non-prescribed use of substitution medication among German drug users – Prevalence, motives and availability. International Journal of Drug Policy, 2013;24:e111-4. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2013.04.006
  • Zurhold H, Schmidt C, Stöver H, Reimer J (2011) Endbericht zur wissenschaftlichen Begleitung und Evaluation des Bundesmodellprojektes „Frühintervention als Maßnahme der Hepatitis-C-Prävention“.